A Beginner’s Guide to Poker


Poker is an exciting card game that combines luck, strategy, and skill to play a winning hand. The best players possess a variety of skills, including patience, reading others, adaptability, and developing strategies.

The Rules

In the game of poker, the player who is dealt the highest hand wins the pot. The dealer deals three cards face-down on the table and each player may use one or more of these to make a poker hand. Then, a betting round begins. Each player to the left of the dealer may call (put chips in the pot), raise (put more chips in the pot), or fold (put no chips in the pot) until everyone has called.

The Flush

A flush is a poker hand made from five cards in the same suit. The winner of the hand is the person with the highest flush.

The Straight

A straight is a poker hand consisting of a sequence of five consecutive cards. The winner of the hand is the person who holds the highest straight.

The Highcard

A high card is a card that has the highest value. If no card is higher than the highcard, then the hand is a tie.

The Pair

A pair is a poker hand that consists of two matching cards, and if another player has a pair, the high card breaks the tie.

The Full House

A full house is a poker hand that consists of three cards of the same rank and a single card of an unrelated rank. When more than one player has a full house, the highest combination of these hands wins.

The Flush

A flush can be formed by any five cards in the same suit. When more than one player has a flush, the highest card in that suit wins.

The Straight

A straight can be formed by any five cards in the running order, except for aces. When more than one player has a straight, the highest card in that running order wins.

The Pair

A pair is formed when a player has two of the same cards and an unrelated third card. The player with the highest pair wins.

The Flush

A Flush is a poker hand that consists of all five cards in the same suit. When more that one player has a flush, the highest hand in that suit wins.

The Straight

An individual can have a straight without a pair of cards, but the best combination of cards is a straight.

The Aces and Kings

A pair of kings is not bad off the deal, but it’s not great either.

The Highcard

A hand with the highest card in the deck is considered to be the strongest hand.

The Pair

A pair is the second-best poker hand.

The Straight

A straight is the third-best hand.

The Flush

A flush consists of all five cards in the same suite. When more than one player has a pair, the highest hand in that suite wins.